ThaMonthly 9.26.22 V Don’t Deal, Heal. ___ By Chrys D. ‘Sometimes you feel like a nut!’ …sometimes, you don’t. For the female species, most times the manner in which we heal is not always absolute. Our healing process always has to be amended--or squandered in some way, shape or form. Allotted time for work, school, family etc is always mandatory. But when it comes to self care, we truly neglect ourselves. So just imagine: all of your normal, daily hustle & bustle. Then add a reproductive issue, menopause, or pregnancy to that mix. Overwhelming, huh? Whether you use crystals, meditate & pray, consume herbs, or take a nice long bath/shower, healing is so essential! Years & years I limited myself to just a hot bath complete with a heating pad session immediately after. I learned that the older I became, the less this worked for me. By the age of 25, my ovarian cysts at the time controlled my whole life. Pain so severe the hottest water or heat coils couldn’t...