ThaMonthly 8.12.22. IV The Period & The Paycheck ___ By Chrys D. ‘Make that money’ …don’t let that money make you. Ok Gang so look. This blog post & the language that accompanies it will be a tad bit rougher than normal, so buckle up :) As I’m sure with a zillion other women around the world, the menstrual cycle is unkind to us. In some cases, our employers are just as unkind. My definition of ‘unkind’ being ‘misogynistic, pompous assholes.’ Every job I’ve held with the exception of 1.5 (.5 being my current employer LMAO) has given much backlash when it came to my reproductive health. Never been terminated; however, suspended or received little to no hours for scheduled workdays. Or even make up for time missed. Being suspended from my current employer due to my Endo in February sparked the brainchild for ThaMonthly. Flare ups with my condition became extremely severe in 2021. The majority of that year was spent in the ER every month. I started with my current company in Septem...