
Showing posts with the label birth control


ThaMonthly 7.15.22. III Ouuuu, Baby! ___ By Chrys D. ‘Ouuu Baby BayBay!’ …ba baby baby!!! First let me start by saying I no longer desire to conceive a child. I know that sounds a tad callous to say, but it’s a truth. I also have an extremely valid reason as well. I’ll explain.  In the 1st couple years of my marriage, my baby fever was so fucking intense! My brother & his girlfriend at the time just had their first child. At the time I was knee deep in crafting, & had created selfie frames for several baby showers. I was just genuinely happy to be around that energy. Meanwhile at home, my Endo was so out of whack, when I missed a period I’d run out for a pregnancy test. Only to be disappointed with the result each time. Private heartbreak. I’d later learn that having a kid with “him” wasn't the move anyway. (pictured with my nephew Caleb Jr. 2015) Although I experienced the sadness of potential infertility due to Endo, I was never discouraged from CELEBRATING OTHERS! ...