
Showing posts with the label ovarian cysts


ThaMonthly 7.15.22. III Ouuuu, Baby! ___ By Chrys D. ‘Ouuu Baby BayBay!’ …ba baby baby!!! First let me start by saying I no longer desire to conceive a child. I know that sounds a tad callous to say, but it’s a truth. I also have an extremely valid reason as well. I’ll explain.  In the 1st couple years of my marriage, my baby fever was so fucking intense! My brother & his girlfriend at the time just had their first child. At the time I was knee deep in crafting, & had created selfie frames for several baby showers. I was just genuinely happy to be around that energy. Meanwhile at home, my Endo was so out of whack, when I missed a period I’d run out for a pregnancy test. Only to be disappointed with the result each time. Private heartbreak. I’d later learn that having a kid with “him” wasn't the move anyway. (pictured with my nephew Caleb Jr. 2015) Although I experienced the sadness of potential infertility due to Endo, I was never discouraged from CELEBRATING OTHERS! ...


ThaMonthly 6.10.22. II It’s Giving Hopeless. ___ By Chrys D. ‘I HATE! YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!’ …you get on my nerves. So as we all know, the body is already a peculiar sort. But chile THE FEMALE BODY IS A WHOLE NOTHER MONSTER! You can possess the perfect body with an impeccable bill of health & still be blindsided. Aight so, once upon a time, I was a stripper. I’d like to call myself an ‘exotic entertainer’ because I was actually an optical illusion on that pole (LOL!) I digress. I worked with a chick who danced by the name Sincere. 5’7, caramel skinned with an AMAZING body. Every time she touched that stage, I was mesmerized.  One night, she came to work sick as fuck. As makeup was being applied & hair being tousled, she began to look super pale in the face. As she rose wobbly from her chair, she passed out immediately. I called 911 as I made a mad dash towards our manager.  A few days later, Sincere is back at work, regular & well. I let her know she scared the sh...


ThaMonthly 5.21.22. I Chile, You Need To Know Yaself!! ___ By Chrys D. ‘Because Your Period Is More Than A Pain’ Fuck yeah, it is. I’m Chrystyan. A 33 year old Black Woman with Stage III Endometriosis. Before I even dive into the condition & the DRAMA it’s caused, allow me to show myself. I was a heterosexual woman for 31 years. My periods began at the age of 12 with indescribable symptoms since inception. I was forever getting early dismissals from school--sobbing uncontrollably in the fetal position at the nurses office. Lost my virginity at 16. I started on the Depo shot a few months after until I stopped receiving it at the age of 19. A year later, my periods came back with a vengeance. From the age of 20 til this very day, my body’s gone through several changes, only formally being diagnosed with Stage II Endo at 29. Right after receiving laparoscopic surgery to have 2 uterine fibroids removed. The earlier years proved better than the latter. It’s only showed me that the older...