ThaMonthly 6.10.22. II It’s Giving Hopeless. ___ By Chrys D. ‘I HATE! YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!’ …you get on my nerves. So as we all know, the body is already a peculiar sort. But chile THE FEMALE BODY IS A WHOLE NOTHER MONSTER! You can possess the perfect body with an impeccable bill of health & still be blindsided. Aight so, once upon a time, I was a stripper. I’d like to call myself an ‘exotic entertainer’ because I was actually an optical illusion on that pole (LOL!) I digress. I worked with a chick who danced by the name Sincere. 5’7, caramel skinned with an AMAZING body. Every time she touched that stage, I was mesmerized. One night, she came to work sick as fuck. As makeup was being applied & hair being tousled, she began to look super pale in the face. As she rose wobbly from her chair, she passed out immediately. I called 911 as I made a mad dash towards our manager. A few days later, Sincere is back at work, regular & well. I let her know she scared the sh...