


It’s Giving Hopeless.


By Chrys D.


…you get on my nerves.

So as we all know, the body is already a peculiar sort. But chile THE FEMALE BODY IS A WHOLE NOTHER MONSTER! You can possess the perfect body with an impeccable bill of health & still be blindsided.

Aight so, once upon a time, I was a stripper. I’d like to call myself an ‘exotic entertainer’ because I was actually an optical illusion on that pole (LOL!) I digress. I worked with a chick who danced by the name Sincere. 5’7, caramel skinned with an AMAZING body. Every time she touched that stage, I was mesmerized. 

One night, she came to work sick as fuck. As makeup was being applied & hair being tousled, she began to look super pale in the face. As she rose wobbly from her chair, she passed out immediately. I called 911 as I made a mad dash towards our manager. 

A few days later, Sincere is back at work, regular & well. I let her know she scared the shit out of me, & asked what happened. She said she had a ruptured ovarian cyst. I was clueless, as I’d never heard of the term. She said that due to her rigorous pole exercise, her body was overworked which led to the rupture. She then revealed that she’d experienced bad cycles since she was 15. At that moment, I didn’t feel alone anymore. I also wanted to be educated more.

Unfortunately after that night & for years beyond, I still wouldn’t find a solution. Countless months of harsh periods & misdiagnosis. Tears for fears. As aforementioned in the last post, it seemed that the older I got the pain worsened. Conceiving became just a dream. I married in 2015 & we tried, but to no avail. Two years later, I found out I had been walking around with uterine fibroids. Until Dr. Duran, I’d been told that my pain wasn’t ‘that’ severe. That my diet should change & I should lose weight. That they just ‘didn’t know’ what was wrong with me. Or that I was infertile, & THAT was irreversible. I felt vehemently WORTHLESS.

The reproductive conditions that seem to be more widely known (endo/adeno/pcos/pmdd) are still widely unknown amongst most of our female counterparts. And there’s still so many that we have no idea of! 

Well ladies my goal here is to figure out what the fuck is going on. 

One MONTH at a time. 

Love, & Thanks for vibing with ThaMonthly


  1. Bless your heart beautiful, stay strong and keep pushing ❤️BG


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